Tatter Blue Library Textile Retreat

The weaving together of food and textile, around the communal table, in Mid-coast Maine.

September 29-October 5, 2019

Photos 1-3 by Kristen Teig

Session One:

Forest Foraging Mushroom Dyeing
with Alissa Allen

September 29 - October 3, 2019

Fall in Maine is a seasonal mushroom extravaganza! Mycologist Alissa Allen of www.mycopigments.com will lead us on forest wanderings, where we will slow down, and learn to identify different species of fungi. From our findings we will explore micro-seasonal dye palettes, and extract a veritable rainbow of dye with which to transform thread, yarn and yardage. The culmination of every day will be stitching together on a communal tablecloth while we share a delicious meal.


Session Two:

Historical Embroidery with
Annie Coggan & Jordana Munk Martin

October 3 - October 5, 2019

Artist, professor and historian Annie Coggan and Tatter Library founder Jordana Martin will lead us through the history of embroidered samplers in Maine, while we stitch with mushroom dyed thread from the first three days of the retreat. Retreat goers will work on their own samplers, exploring techniques and stitches. An afternoon will be spent at Swan’s Island Company in Northport for a tour and dye class with master dyer Tony Vinci. The culmination of every day will be stitching together on a communal tablecloth while we share a delicious meal.


Week Long Session

Mushroom Dyeing & Immersive Embroidery

September 29 - October 5, 2019

Join us for a unique, week-long retreat where we will walk into the Maine woods foraging for, and then dyeing with, a rainbow of incredible fungi. With newly-dyed thread, yarn and cloth, we then immerse in the rich history of embroidery samplers of Maine. Students will learn to name and distinguish edible, non-edible and dye-producing fungi, and will use their hand-made materials to create their own unique works of embroidered art. Maine has a unique landscape and textile history, and we are thrilled to connect to aspects of both, as inspiration for deeper textile learning.